Award Calculations

2023-2024 Award Year

1. Senior Long-term (includes Scholarly Development & Performing Arts)

  • Maintenance stipend per month: Rs 86,250
  • Research and travel per month: Rs 33,750
  • Dollar supplement per month: $115
  • Per dependent allowance per month:Rs 15,000

2. Senior Short-term

  • Maintenance stipend per month: Rs 103,500
  • Research and travel per month: Rs 33,750
  • Dollar supplement per month$138

3. NEH-funded fellows

  • Stipend of $5,000 in dollars per month for each month in India

4. Junior

  • Maintenance stipend per month: Rs 52,500
  • Research and travel per month: Rs 22,500
  • Dollar supplement per month:$70
  • Per dependent allowance per month: Rs 15,000

Fellows based in Bangalore, Chennai (Madras), Kolkata (Calcutta), Mumbai (Bombay) or New Delhi receive an additional 25 percent cost of living supplement for maintenance, dollar and dependent allowances. The dollar supplement is paid in full prior to departure for India. Each fellow receives one round-trip air ticket from the city of origin to the primary research site in India. AIIS will also provide air tickets for 2 dependents accompanying a Long-term Fellow who is eligible for dependent allowances for 2 dependents. Short-term Fellows are not provided tickets or allowance for dependents.