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Help support the American Institute of Indian Studies

Supporting AIIS will help us continue to bring academic understanding of the culture, art, music, languages, economy, politics and writing of India. No gift is too small or unappreciated as the cumulative effort from all our donors contributes to the greater good of our program. Please take a few moments and know we are using secure methods to accept your donation.

Thank you.

Donate Online

To donate by credit card, please choose from one of the five options below. Click on the link to go directly to Paypal to donate. AIIS is a 501(c)3 organization and contributions are tax deductible.

Annual Fund (Unrestricted)
Language Program
Center for Art and Archeology
The Archives and Research Center for Ethnomusicology

Make a Planned Gift

If you are considering AIIS in your will or wish to transfer appreciated securities to AIIS, please contact Elise Auerbach AIIS U.S. Director.

Donate by Check

Please make checks payable to the American Institute of Indian Studies. Your donation by check can be mailed to:

American Institute of Indian Studies
1130 E. 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637